ANSUTEK Batch-Mate

Batching a minor ingredient (that has an inflight drop of just under 2 metres), onto a high capacity scale and hitting the target on the button .... everytime. 

Each of the ANSUTEK Batch-Mate sequenced hopper weighments are uploaded as individual records to our cloud based SQL Data Server, along with the batch workflow variables in order to allow our customer full Production Reporting , including Station Efficiency , Accuracy, Line Stoppages, Batch Pause, and reason codes,

Traceability of Each Bag is provided via an end of line label auto generated from our ANSUTEK Batch-Mate Software. This label details Batch and Customer information, and has a barcode containing bag number, batch number, customer order and special care instructions.

ANSUTEK is an industry leader for turn key systems. Providing software and hardware solutions that lower costs, increase productivity, and leverage IIoT data connectivity to provide seamless MIS integration.

*Barcoding *Weighing *Labelling *Scanning *Vision and *Dimensioning .

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Ansutek Online

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