Integrate production data using intelligent weighing terminals

Easy integration of production data into your office databases saves time and simplifies your processes. 

The weighing terminal IND780 with TaskExpertTM programming language allows software developers to quickly tie their data together. The IND780 uses the Windows CE operating system and supports a SQL Server CE database.  Software developers create TaskExpertTM programs on the IND780 to open up the SQL database and enable advanced database functionality.

IND780 + TaskExpertTM* provides:

RDA (Remote Data Access) – allows the IND780 to pull and push data to a remote Microsoft® SQL ServerTM database table. The IND780 can even issue SQL statements to the remote server.  RDA is very useful when applications transaction information is being stored on the server.  RDA is also used in situations where each IND780 has its own unique database.

Merge Replication – Advanced bi-directional merging of data between the IND780 database and the server database.  Any data that is changed either on the IND780 or server will be updated on both systems.  This is useful when two or more IND780 devices are modifying the same records.

RDA and Merge Replication provide you a way to tie the exact data that you need from the IND780 on the production floor directly back to your office server.  Since IND780 uses a SQL database it can be structured to look like part of your database on the server.

There is no longer a need to download data, translate the information and store it in your database in separate operations.  This saves time and keeps both your production and databases running smoothly. TaskExpertTM is both an option for the IND780 and a programming language.  Custom programming is necessary to enable the RDA and Merge Replication features mentioned here.


  • Easy integration of production data
  • Data ID points in wet & harsh production areas
  • Eliminate the need for an additional PC in the production floor
  • Increase data automation and reduce paper based transactions
  • Eliminate data errors and improve quality
  • Reduction of data duplication and manual data entry for efficient and responsive production management in your MES or ERP systems

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