At ANSUTEK our project success rate is 100%....

Each Automation project starts from the ground up, starting with site visits to observe and record the customers processes, talk to staff and get buy in from all the stakeholders.

We then report back with a process flow and the deliverables for each stage of that process, refining this document into a project scope that meets our capabilities and the customers requirements.

This shared vision and mutual understanding ensures that we are delivering a system developed to our customer's requirements.

Recently our systems TEAM took the opportunity to make an animation of our last project, and whilst our public version is heavily redacted to protect IP, I can share the project details.

In this project the filler completes custom batches releasing hopper materials as per the schedule selected. Batch and Product detail are printed and we label the outers via our automated print and apply system.

Completed Weighments are recorded and uploaded from our system with each transaction detailing weight, ingredient, batch, time and date.

Warehouse scanning tracks and updates finished goods, inventory, and location. This data can be utilised to report on efficiencies, costing and yields for the production run.

Pause the video when the pallets being scanned at the warehouse, use your phone camera to scan the batch code and you will get the detail pop up, we are serious about barcoding integrity even in an animation!

*Barcoding *Weighing *Labelling *Scanning *Vision and *Dimensioning .

Ansutek Onsite
Ansutek Online


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